Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Ahh!!! Is this real life!? Finally! Thank you CNN! Mine and Daltons story is finally out there. We are finally getting our chance to be heard! We are finally getting our voices in the ears of people who will be able to help us. We want this more than anything. A lung transplant for me would be life changing not just for me but for Dalton as well. We can't be together and as our 4 year anniversary approaches, that's all we want. -Katie


  1. Fantastic getting your story on CNN. I really wish you both the best!

  2. Wow what an amazing story. I wish you both many years of laughter and love together. I was inspired by reading about your journey and I hope with all my heart that the insurance companies do the right thing and what their purpose should be to help people get better. Blessings and love to you both.

  3. If the raw vegan diet can shrink brain tumors, reverse late stages of many types of cancers (breast cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer--to name a few), reverse arthritis, get rid of mucus, and allergies, give people the ability to walk again,-- it may be worth a try for you two!!
    Eat raw, fresh, ripe, seasonal fruits and vegetables with tender leafy greens and some nuts and seeds. Focus on eating bananas, mangoes, pineapple, apples, grapes and other healing fruits. Eat mono meals (meaning one type of fruit per meal). For example 6-10 bananas for breakfast, or cantaloupe, or a pint of strawberries, then lunch have 3-4 mangoes or 10 peaches, dinner could be a salad with some fruit. if you must, have rice and beans, potatoes, lightly steamed (or lightly salted) vegetables without animal products (dairy/cheese, butter, eggs, gelatin, all animal flesh). Animal foods cause much mucus in the body, like inhaling smoking creates mucus.

    1. Let me know if you're willing to try this, because I can give advice and many other of my vegan friends can provide assistance and counseling. or message me at

    2. Hearing your journey makes me appreciate every breath I take. I won't take breathing for granted any longer, and I will meditate on this gratitude. And to be thankful I quit smoking cigarettes years ago.
