Saturday, February 21, 2015

Mamaws Bedroom

I am sleeping at my mamaws house tonight. I'm in her bed and it's 3:30 am. I can't sleep. I have a migraine and so many thoughts are racing through my head. I can't remember the last time I slept in this bed but it's been years. I used to spend the night with my Mamaw on a regular basis when I was little, we all did. My childhood is this house with my Mamaw. As I lay here, I can't help but think of the countless hours that we didn't sleep because I always asker her to tell me a story. She would tell me stories of when she was growing up and when she was a child. I always looked forward to hearing her stories. 
My favorite story that she told me was when she got stuck in a briar patch on her way home. I don't know why that was my favorite story but it's the one I remember the most. So many memories laying in this exact spot. My side. 
I love you Mamaw. 

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